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Researching and Writing

Assistance in writing Research Papers.

Why are Research Papers important for MS?

And how does Mentor-Master's help you grow?

Image by Octavian Dan

Guide with Crafting Projects

Why are projects important for your Master’s?

How Mentor-Master’s will help you with your Projects?

Notepad on Desk

Resume/Cover Letter tailoring

Why is a resume important?

What is a cover letter?

How Mentor-Master’s will help you build your resume and cover?

Image by Gabriel Varaljay

LinkedIn profile optimization

Why is it important to have an attractive LinkedIn Profile in the States?

How will Mentor-Master’s help you in building your profile?


Apart from all these services we will guide you regarding some tips on how to connect with recruiters and what all necessary steps you need to take that will help you with on-campus jobs and full-time opportunities.

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